Monday, 29 June 2009

Eliza’s Sunday blog


We woke up at about 7 o’clock and then we went to breakfast and we had cornflakes and pancakes and then we had a omelette and then we went out to the shop and we bought a necklace and Monty got a keyring. Then we packed up for a little bit and we went in the place where you get hot chocolate then we went on the truck to go to the airport and we waited for a little while and we had some water. Then we went to the aeroplane and we had a hour long flight and when we landed we went into the airport. It was very hot outside. Then we gave the man our passports and then we went through the thing and gave the bags to the man and he put it through the thing and then we walked up for a little while and looked at the shop for a tincy bit and then we went to sit down. And then we had a diet coke and we sat down and we wrote the blog.

Daddy asked me what I thought was best about Waku and why. The best bit was when we went through the rapids on the boat - the big wavy bits. Another thing that I liked was seeing Angel Falls from the plane because the pilot went absolutely crazy and it was really fun and it was my first time at seeing the highest waterfall in the world. The lady Mikiza was very funny and she sang all the way through the jungle and we saw a really big taranatula nursery and it had so many spiders on it. And then we saw a big big big big termite nest on a tree.

Jungle Jaunts (Mummy)

Mikiza had a green umbrella that she took out when it rained like billio as we were going down the rapids. She is mad mad mad. Mind you, thinking about it, Eliza and I were in the middle of playing charades as we shot the rapids in the rain in the canoe. Were in the middle of acting out ‘The Jungle Book’ I think. It all got a bit hectic, especially when our canoe driver decided to race the other one downstream.

As we walked through the jungle on the way to Angel falls, whispering in a David Attenborough-like manner, we got an opportunity to be a real lifeTarzan…..

Mikiza found us a big long vine hanging across a pool and we took turns to shout “Aeeeaeeaeaeeeaeaaaaaa” as we swung across. Jemima was the fastest Tarzan and I was definitely the slowest and least travelled… not looking forward to that video being aired then.

And yes the big smelly spiney bush pig did have the audacity to try and make off with my hat. Jungle pigs are apparently known in the area for being verrrrrry fashionable.

Benji (Jemima)

We only just worked how to look at comments but thanks Jasmin that's great that you are riding Benji and making him happy!!!!!