Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Zip wires (Monty)

We went in our car and we drived to the zip wire place and we went on a lift up and up and up through the rain forest and then we went down on the zip wire and there was ten of them. Some were short some were long. We went on really really long ones like as long as really really long like you could count to 40 or 41. We saw snakes and toucans and lizards and the snakes were in glass tubs. There was loads of lizards and one lizard was like a dinosaur lizard which ran on its back legs. Than we went back and we went to a restaurant and we had a drink and I drank it really really fast because I was really really thirsty. We went to the shops and we got food and we got here in time and then I went surfing before it came and I went swimming before it came and I did other stuff and now we are cooking mummy and daddy’s supper, it was a thunder storm it came thunder stormy and I thought it wasn’t going to be any thunder I thought it would be just cloudy.

Mummy is not nervous at all

Eliza has some help on a long one.

No problems for Mima

I help one of the big boys who is a bit scared

Another strong man photo