Tuesday 25 August 2009

Yellowstone highlights

A bit too close for comfort. We decide to purchase bear spray.
Canyon is called Canyon for a good reason.
This is the "Lower Falls" at Canyon. We have now purchased bear spray so have more of a spring in our step.
The kids amuse passing tourists.
Jemima gives Mummy the heeby-jeebies.
We arrive at Old Faithful and realise that we have selected the same day to visit as one Barrack Obama. There are some dodgy characters in the crowd that we suspect are not just listening to the cricket.
Finally, he has the good grace to go home. We never get close enough to point our laser pens at his forehead, unlike BIO 2003 in DC and that lovely man Bush.
Old Faithful goes off just after he left.

Mammoth Springs is a funny old place. No President here.

The chocolate monster.
We have tested out a lot of these things and we think that this is the perfect firepit. Expect to see one down on Polecat Pitch for next summer.
Monty goes feral at Bridge Lake in the snow.
Eliza tries to keep up.
We see a Bison only on our second day and take a gazillion photos, only to drive over the next pass and encounter a herd of some thousands.

Now where did we put the car?
Tower Falls
We wake up in Yellowstone and it is only 43 degrees in the van. It snowed overnight. We head for the ranch.