Monday 27 July 2009

Cano Island (Jemima)

We woke up at 730am and had breakfast. I had an omelette. There we met Roberto again for maybe the third time while we were in the jungle lodge. Happily he was a very nice man. We went down on the “limo” (tractor) and met a boat man with his boat. He was called Oscar. He was going to take us to a snorkelling island call Cano Island and on the way (you will never guess) we saw some spotted dolphins – they were having their breakfast.

They were very cool the way they came up to breath in pairs. Apparently they could hold their breath for about 10 minutes. Then we carried on the island. When we got there, well, we were about 20 metres off shore, we got changed into our swimming suits, put on our snorkels and flippers and went snorkelling from the boat.

We saw lots of fish. They were very big. We even saw a white-tipped shark and a turtle. It was very cool. We went to about 3 reefs on the boat and then we went to the beach. Eliza Monty and I made a house for hermit crabs as there were lots of hermit crabs on the beach. Then we all went to lunch as Roberto had brought us a picnic. After lunch we went to the house for hermit crabs but they had all escaped so we played another game. After about 2 hours on the beach when the tide was in, we set off on the boat. We were one of the last families to leave the beach. This time on the way back we didn’t see any dolphins but it was really fun. When we got back to the jungle lodge we got changed and settled down and wrote our diaries and drew pictures until finally it was time for supper. So went to the restaurant, had all the courses and by the time we had finished we were very tired so we all went to bed.

The palm that wanted to be famous

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