We are really in Hickville here.
It is bizarre indeed that someone will rent you a 4x4 for the day, tell you briefly about how to move the wing mirrors and how to close the boot, then say ta-raa and leave you to go anywhere you want.
We had a small very poorly printed map on a bit of newspaper which Sarah had picked up from somewhere, and vague instructions to follow the tarmac road until we see a small wooden sign to “Cathedral Valley” half a mile before a town called something-or-other. We find what purports to be the sign, after a good 45 minutes on the paved road, and dubiously turn off down a dirt track. This leads 26 miles through the desert and all sorts of weird rock formations,
We have brought “Once upon a time in the West” with us on DVD which we have all been watching together. It looks to us like this is where it was filmed. The kids are learning cowboy drawl “Looks like we’re shy of one horse”. “No, looks to me like you brought two horses too many”. Bang bang bang. Monty likes that bit.
There are distractions along the way here and there, and we keep the kids interested by allowing them to drive every now and then.
We have a great day, but do not see a soul until just before the end, about 90kms into our trip, when we meet a lovely old fellow repairing the road in a JCB. He admits to being quite pleased to see someone, and puts our mind at rest, that it’s only another 10 miles or so until the paved road. This comes as some relief, since it was 5 hours’ drive back the other way if there was no way through. And I have no idea what happens if the car breaks down. I guess they find you when the next idiots happen to drive past.
"Dirt track" - good one - that's one of the better roads in the area! I'm curious where you reached pavement again because I don't see any pictures of the actual cathedrals nor some other spectacular scenes I would have expected. For other's future info the park service have a good numbered drive route for the Cathedral Valley/Bentonite Hills loop.
ReplyDeleteBob Palin
Torrey, Utah (formerly of Luton, Beds)