Friday 21 August 2009

Fremont Lake - we head north

We leave Browne Lake reluctantly, wondering rather if we have found the most perfect campsite, and whether we will regret leaving this place behind. But in truth we have probably exhausted its attractions and it is time to move on. Our plan is not to go far, and just find somewhere on the lake at Flaming Gorge within an hour or so of Browne Lake. I am tired, so let Eliza drive for a while.

As we drive on, though, we realise that the best part of this Park is now behind us. We are now back in the desert, and all the camp sites are full of people with huge boats that use the lake for general gadding about. We drive on, for miles and miles and miles, and ultimately resolve just to give up looking for somewhere nice, get some miles under our belts and see if we can get up towards Jackson Hole, and the attendant delights of the Tetons and Yellowstone. The kids end up watching Star Wars in the back. Eventually, the desert gives way gradually to green stuff, and Sarah spies another lake on the map which looks good and should have some camp sites around it. More following our noses, but as the afternoon turns to evening, we find Fremont Lake campsite and Site number 11. A corker this one, with a great firepit and terrific view of the Lake. The bear warning signs are getting more and more serious and I wander down to a neighbouring site to get some intel from the locals. The message is yes, there are bears here, and yes they are grizzlies, but you should be just fine. The chap I ask eventually admits to having been “cuddled” by one at some stage in the past, so I am not sure that his advice was super-trustworthy, but we sit outside by the fire anyway and indulge in some Pinot Noir from a it further west. The kids simply go feral.

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